Debts can be collected both by the original creditor and an assignee, such as a debt collection agency. Debt collection is based on the Debt Collection Act. In other words, debt collection is governed by the provisions of the Debt Collection Act, which require professional creditors to follow good consumer debt collection practice.  The Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI) is the authority that supervises compliance with the Debt Collection Act and good debt collection practice.

Voluntary debt collection begins if the debtor neglects its obligation to pay. Neglecting one’s obligation to pay means not paying the invoice by the due date.

In debt collection, the primary option is to pay the debt during the voluntary debt collection period. This means trying to receive the payment before resorting to court proceedings or enforcement.Payment agreement negotiations are another important part of voluntary collection. If the debtor is unable to pay the full debt at once, a payment schedule can be made with them.